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Musical Theatre Minor

School of Arts and Sciences

The Value of a College Minor

By declaring a minor, 你将有机会追求专业以外的兴趣. 在你感兴趣的领域获得额外的知识也会对你未来的职业生涯有所帮助! 这不仅会让你的技能和知识更加全面, 但你也会向未来的雇主证明,你愿意努力工作,并超出他们的期望.

这是我们戏剧专业的辅修课程之一. Other options to consider are linked here.


  • Musical Theatre Minor
  • 27 Units
  • KIN 304: Motor Learning and Control
  • 3

本课程将概述影响和决定运动技能学习和产生的重要行为理论. 包括学习理论和运动控制理论,以及理论在运动表现中的应用.

  • DAN 101: Ballet 1
  • 1

本课程将介绍芭蕾舞的基本姿势, movements, and combinations, as well French ballet terms and their meanings, 包括对芭蕾舞的历史和起源及其各种风格的讨论.

  • DAN 102: Ballet 2
  • 1

本课程将进一步探讨芭蕾的技术和表现元素, 以及历史上重要的芭蕾舞流派和风格. 旨在提高已掌握芭蕾基本技巧和词汇的学生的表演水平. 学生练习和执行高级barre练习, demi-pointe work, and increasingly complex connecting movements.

  • DAN 111: Jazz Dance
  • 1

本课程介绍爵士舞的基本原理,包括它的历史和风格. 它是为没有舞蹈经验的学生和希望完善基本爵士舞技能的有经验的舞者设计的. 爵士舞技巧在课堂上呈现和练习, 强调使用各种节奏和风格的组合. 课堂参与旨在培养对爵士舞身体要求的欣赏.

  • DAN 112: Modern Dance
  • 1

本课程介绍现代舞的基本原理及其历史. 它是为没有舞蹈经验的学生和归来的舞蹈学生设计的. 学生们参与运动研究和即兴创作,处理形状, space, time and energy, 四个主要的舞蹈原则,鼓励他们的创造力和个性. 重点是发展轴向和运动技能, performing movement combinations, conditioning the body, and solving creative problems.

  • DAN 141: Tap Dance
  • 1

本课程在初级阶段介绍踢踏舞技巧. Instruction focuses primarily on the rhythm tap style; however, other tap styles may also be included. Students practice fundamental tap dance skills; rhythms, including swing and Latin; syncopation; time steps; short combinations; and stylings. 这门课程包括介绍踢踏舞的历史和表演.

  • MUS 102: Music Fundamentals
  • 3

这门入门级课程是为通识教育的学生或那些考虑主修音乐的学生设计的,它将提供一个培养视读技能的机会, music theory, and aspects of basic musical analysis.

  • MUS ___: Applied Music
  • 4


  • THR 261: Acting I
  • 3

As an introduction to basic acting techniques, 本课程将探讨构建内部的方法, physical, and vocal life of a character, 教授热身程序和舞台原则,包括场景分析, performance of monologues, and improvisations. 实地考察可能要额外收费.

  • THR 262: Acting II
  • 4

本课程是一门学习当代现实主义和现代戏剧作品(如契诃夫和易卜生)表演技巧的高级课程. It will include an in-depth study of scene and character analysis; performance of monologues, improvisations, and scenes; exercises based on the Meisner technique and other acting approaches. 实地考察可能要额外收费. Lab time is included in the schedule. Prerequisite: THR 261 or consent of instructor.

  • THR 381: Acting in Musical Theatre
  • 3

Exploration of the voice, movement, 在这门课程中,学生们将通过参加工作坊来学习在现代音乐剧中表演所必需的表演技巧, exercises, warm-ups, rehearsal procedures, and in-class solo and group performances. Prerequisite: THR 261 or consent of instructor. Offered alternate years.

  • THR 392:实习:音乐剧辅修戏剧
  • 2

This course, 为辅修音乐剧的学生准备的, is a practical, 实践学习经验,学生将在一个或多个戏剧系作品中工作.

建议辅修音乐剧的学生选修102学分, 111, 201或THR 111作为通识教育的一部分. 强烈建议学生参加至少四(4)个学期的MUE合奏学分(声乐或器乐).

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.

Borland-Manske Center

for Music, Worship & Theology

Dedicated October 5, 2019

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